
The Beth Din of Florida serves to facilitate and supervise Jewish conversions and Jewish divorces in the South Florida area. The conversions and divorces that are performed under our auspices follow strict Orthodox standards and are accepted by the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. The members of the Beth Din are:

FlugRabbi Joshua Flug
Director of Divorce Proceedings
Rabbi Flug is Director of Torah Research at Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future.
Rabbi Flug received his kabbalah (certification) to administer Jewish divorces from Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz.
GoldbergRabbi Efrem Goldberg
Director of Conversions
Rabbi Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of Boca Raton Synagogue.
DavisRabbi Edward Davis
Chaver Beth Din
Rabbi Davis is the Rabbi Emeritus and Sephardic Minyan Rabbi of Young Israel of Hollywood.
weinstockRabbi Yosef Weinstock
Chaver Beth Din
Rabbi Weinstock is the Senior Rabbi of Young Israel of Hollywood.
lindaMrs. Elana Belizon
Beth Din Coordinator